Florist Choice Bouquet - Valentines Day
Florist Choice Bouquet - Valentines Day
Not sure what to buy ? Leave it in the hands of our florists! They will create something beautiful for your Valentine using highly quality seasonal flowers.
Please note: flowers & colours are always subject to availability and we will of course endeavour to make the arrangement as close to the image as possible.
Our Valentines Day Collection is available for pick up or delivery from the 10th of February.
Delivery Info
Delivery Info
IMPORTANT: If requiring delivery, please ensure the shipping info at checkout contains the recipient's address (and not the sender's address) to allow us to correctly work out the correct shipping fee.
Same day orders (Mon-Sat) only available on orders placed before 12 noon. For Sunday delivery/pick up, order by midday Saturday.
FREE Delivery within an 8km radius of the farm *minimum order of $30 (which includes Two Wells, Lewiston and Virginia)
$15 Delivery within an 8-20km radius of the farm.
$25 Delivery fee within a 21-30km radius of the farm.
$30 Delivery fee within a 31-40km radius of the farm.
$40 delivery fee within a 41-50 km radius of the farm.